Yi Zhou, doctorant au sein de l'équipe, donnera une conférence intitulée "Nano or micro: 3 different particles to deliver and protect S-nitrosoglutathione for oral route administration" lors de la rencontre du COST NutRedOx à Luxembourg du 25 au 27 mars 2019.

Caroline Gaucher, maître de conférences de l'EA et Membre du comité de direction (Core Group) de l'action COST NutRedOx, donnera une conférence intitulée "Antioxidant properties of S-nitrosoglutathione and nanotechnologies" lors de cette même rencontre.

Dans le cadre de la formation par et pour la recherche, l'EA 3452 accueille chaque été des étudiants de 2ème, 3ème ou 4ème année des études pharmaceutiques pour un Stage d'Initiation à la Recherche (SIR) de 2 mois.

Pas moins de 7 étudiants ont participé aux activités de recherche de l'équipe l'été dernier.

Certains d'entre eux présenteront leurs travaux devant les autres étudiants en pharmacie lors de la Journée Pharma Recherche organisée le jeudi 21 mars (amphi B1 du Campus Santé Brabois). Elle sera lancée par une présentation des études de pharmacie en Chine par le Pr Zilin CHEN (vice-doyen de la Faculté de Pharmacie de Wuhan en Chine, actuellement invité au sein de l'équipe).

Le programme détaillé est disponible dans le fichier ci-dessous.



Ariane Boudier, Directrice de l’EA 3452 a été sollicitée par "Sciences et vie Junior" pour préciser des éléments concernant l’utilisation des nanoparticules d’or dans le domaine biologique. Le numéro correspondant est celui de mars 2019.

Un article intitulé "S-nitrosoglutathione inhibits cerebrovascular angiotensin II dependent and indepentdent AT-1 receptor responses: a possible role of S-nitrosation" vient d'être publié dans "British Journal of Pharmacology"

Auteurs : Marie-Lynda Bouressam, Sandra Lecat, Alexandre Raoul, Caroline Gaucher, Caroline Perrin-Sarrado, Isabelle Lartaud, François Dupuis.

Lien vers l'article : https://doi.org/10.1111/bph.14644

DOI : 10.1111/bph.14644



Background and Purpose

Angiotensin II (AngII) and nitric oxide (NO) regulate cerebral circulation. AngII AT1 receptors exert ligand‐dependent and ‐independent (myogenic tone, MT) vasoconstriction of cerebral vessels. NO induces post‐translational modifications of proteins such as S‐nitrosation (redox modification of cysteine residues). In cultured cells, S‐nitrosation decreases AngII affinity for AT1. The present work evaluated the functional consequences of S‐nitrosation on both AngII‐dependent and AngII‐independent cerebrovascular responses.

Experimental Approach

S‐nitrosation was induced in isolated rat middle cerebral arteries by pretreatment with the NO donors, S‐nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) or sodium nitroprusside (SNP). Agonist‐dependent activation of AT1 was evaluated by concentration response curves to AngII. Ligand‐independent activation of AT1 was evaluated by calculating MT (active vs. passive diameter) at pressures ranging from 20 to 200 mmHg in the presence or not of a selective AT1 inverse agonist.

Key Results

GSNO or SNP completely abolished the AngII‐dependent AT1 vasoconstriction of cerebral arteries. GSNO had no impact on other vasoconstrictors sharing (phenylephrine, U46619) or not (serotonin) the same signaling pathway. MT was reduced by GSNO and addition of losartan did not further decrease MT, suggesting that GSNO blocks AT1‐dependent MT. Ascorbate (which reduces S‐nitrosated compounds) restored AngII‐response, but not the sGC inhibitor ODQ, thus suggesting that these effects are mediated by S‐nitrosation rather than by S‐nitrosylation.


In rat middle cerebral arteries, GSNO pretreatment specifically affects the AT1 receptor and reduces both AngII‐dependent and AngII‐independent activations, most likely through AT1 S‐nitrosation.


Le Professeur Zilin Chen est invité par l’EA 3452 et la Faculté de Pharmacie de Nancy durant le mois de mars 2019.

Il est présent au laboratoire pour des projets de collaborations recherche et pour établir des conventions entre nos deux Universités (Wuhan et Université de Lorraine). Le Professeur Chen est vice-Doyen de la School of Pharmaceutical Sciences et directeur de l'Institute for Pharmaceutical Analysis and Drug Screening de l’Université de Wuhan (Chine). M. Zilin  Chen a obtenu son doctorat en chimie appliquée en 2000 à la Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU), au Japon. Il a ensuite travaillé comme boursier postdoctoral de la Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) à TMU puis  boursier postdoctoral au NTT Microsystem Integration Labs, Japon. Il est ensuite devenu Professeur adjoint de recherche à l'Université de Notre Dame aux États-Unis. Il a rejoint l'Université de Wuhan en tant que professeur titulaire de la chaire Luojia en 2007. Il a publié plus de 120 articles dans des revues internationales. Ses sujets de recherche portent notamment sur la chromatographie sur microcolonne, l'électrophorèse capillaire et la spectrométrie de masse pour l'analyse biologique et pharmaceutique.

Dnas le cadre du COST NUtRedOx, un article intitulé "Personalized nutrition in aging society: redox control of major-age related diseases through the NutRedOx Network (COST Action CA16112)" vient d'être publié dans "Free Radical Research".

Auteurs : Josep Tur, Claus Jacob, Patrick Chaimbault, Mohammad Tadayyon, Elke Richling, Nina Hermans, Claudia Nunes dos Santos, Marc Diederich, Linda Giblin, Mourad Elhabiri, Caroline Gaucher, Pierre Andreoletti, Ana Fernandes, Michael Davies, Agnieszka Bartoszek, Mustapha Cherkaoui-Malki

Lien vers l'article : https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10715762.2019.1572890

Doi: 10.1080/10715762.2019.1572890



A healthy ageing process is important when it is considered that one third of the population of Europe is already over 50 years old, although there are regional variations. This proportion is likely to increase in the future, and maintenance of vitality at older age is not only an important measure of quality of life but also key to participation and productivity. So, the binomial "nutrition and ageing" has different aspects and poses considerable challenges, providing a fertile ground for research and networks. The NutRedOx network will focus on the impact of redox active compounds in food on healthy ageing, chemoprevention and redox control in the context of major age-related diseases. The main aim of the NutRedOx network is to gather experts from Europe, and neighboring countries, and from different disciplines that are involved in the study of biological redox active food components and are relevant to the ageing organism, its health, function and vulnerability to disease. Together, these experts will form a major and sustainable EU-wide cluster in form of the NutRedOx Centre of Excellence able to address the topic from different perspectives, with the long-term aim to provide a scientific basis for improved nutritional and lifestyle habits, to train the next generation of multidisciplinary researchers in this field, to raise awareness of such habits among the wider population, and also to engage with industry to develop age-adequate foods and medicines.

A doctoral position (cosupervision France/Germany) is open for September/october 2019, with LUE funding. Applications are open until 30 April 2019.

Titre :  Novel organoselenium coumpounds: From the heart of the tuna fish to antioxidant capacity via intricate nitric oxide signaling - SeleNOx

In recent years, a particular interest has been given to organoselenium compounds as antioxidants. Organoselenium compounds are often “natural”, found, for instance, as selenoneine in tuna, or as selenoproteins, such as the glutathione peroxidases and thioredoxin reductases, in mammals. Ebselen, the flagship of biologically active organoselenium compounds, is currently being investigated in clinical trials. From a physiological perspective, the ability of selenium to catalyse the release of nitric oxide (NO) from S-nitrosothiols (RSNOs), has been shown with ebselen derivatives covering medical devices that exhibited antithrombotic properties. This PhD project will exploit our knowledge on selenocompounds and S-nitrosothiols to elucidate the antioxidant and catalytic mechanisms of selenocompounds releasing NO from RSNOs to improve vasodilation and physiological NO storage in blood vessels. These properties will emphasize the synergy between these two types of compounds and open new potentials for applications in cardiovascular diseases.

More details in the pdf file below.

Un article intitulé "Long-lasting and controlled antioxidant property of immobilized gold nanoparticles for intelligent packaging" vient d'être publié dans "Colloids and Surfaces B : Biointerfaces"

Auteurs : Jordan Beurton, Igor Clarot, Julie Stein, Benjamin Creusot, Christophe Marcic, Eric Marchioni, Ariane Boudier.

Lien vers l'article : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2019.01.030

DOI : 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2019.01.030


The development of new packaging able to preserve sensitive biomolecules against oxidative stress is an important field. Several studies refer to antioxidant properties carried out by colloidal gold nanoparticles (AuNP). Herein, the purpose was to check whether this property is preserved when AuNP are immobilized on a glass support. After nanostructured film preparation, the physicochemical characterization proved that AuNP were well-individualized in the films with a high density of immobilization. Two radicals: ABTS•+ and DPPH were used to investigate their antioxidant capacity. The results showed that immobilized AuNP had a preserved antioxidant capacity characterized by a different kinetic: more controlled and more prolonged but with the same efficiency (vs the same quantity of colloidal AuNP). The AuNP films demonstrated a capacity to prevent from degradation a molecule containing a thiol function. A 10-fold increase of N-acetylcysteine half-life was measured using the immobilized AuNP, highlighting the interest of the developed and adaptable support.

Un article intitulé "Nanotechnologies for medical devices: potentialities and risks" vient d'être publié dans "ACS Applied Bio Materials"

Auteurs : Arnaud Pallotta, Igor Clarot, Jonathan Sobocinski, Elias Fattal, Ariane Boudier.

Lien vers l'article : https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsabm.8b00612

DOI: 10.1021/acsabm.8b00612



Many novel medical devices (implantable or not) include nanomaterials through either surface-coating by nanoparticles or by direct nanostructuration of the surface. In this review, we have identified several medical devices currently on the market in various health domains (wound healing, prevention or treatment of infectious diseases, cardio-vascular diseases, organ or joint replacement, and finally medical devices associated with nanomedicines). The very peculiar physicochemical characterization of the nanostructured medical devices is described. Keys to understand their possible interaction with the organism (positive or negative via toxicity) are given. Finally, as a conclusion, we discuss the specific quality control as well as the regulatory issues arising from the lack of regulation for approving nanomaterial combining medical devices.


Un artcile intitulé "Nanoparticules dans les médicaments : comment assurer le contrôle qualité" vient d'être publié dans "The Conversation"

Auteurs : CLAROT IgorBOUDIER Ariane, PALLOTTA Arnaud

Lien vers l'article : http://theconversation.com/nanoparticules-dans-les-medicaments-comment-assurer-le-controle-qualite-108481