A doctoral position (cosupervision France/Germany) is open for September/october 2019, with LUE funding. Applications are open until 30 April 2019.
Titre : Novel organoselenium coumpounds: From the heart of the tuna fish to antioxidant capacity via intricate nitric oxide signaling - SeleNOx
In recent years, a particular interest has been given to organoselenium compounds as antioxidants. Organoselenium compounds are often “natural”, found, for instance, as selenoneine in tuna, or as selenoproteins, such as the glutathione peroxidases and thioredoxin reductases, in mammals. Ebselen, the flagship of biologically active organoselenium compounds, is currently being investigated in clinical trials. From a physiological perspective, the ability of selenium to catalyse the release of nitric oxide (NO) from S-nitrosothiols (RSNOs), has been shown with ebselen derivatives covering medical devices that exhibited antithrombotic properties. This PhD project will exploit our knowledge on selenocompounds and S-nitrosothiols to elucidate the antioxidant and catalytic mechanisms of selenocompounds releasing NO from RSNOs to improve vasodilation and physiological NO storage in blood vessels. These properties will emphasize the synergy between these two types of compounds and open new potentials for applications in cardiovascular diseases.
More details in the pdf file below.