Un artcile intitulé "Nanoparticules dans les médicaments : comment assurer le contrôle qualité" vient d'être publié dans "The Conversation"

Auteurs : CLAROT IgorBOUDIER Ariane, PALLOTTA Arnaud

Lien vers l'article : http://theconversation.com/nanoparticules-dans-les-medicaments-comment-assurer-le-controle-qualite-108481

Mr Clarot donne une conférence invitée au congrès SFNano, à Montpellier, intitulée " Are nanoparticles conventional pharmaceutic raw materials?"

Dans le cadre du projet IMODE (Innovative Multicomponent Drug Design), Ariane Boudier donnera une conférence invitée à Lille le 4 décembre prochain.

La conférence est intitulée "Nanostructured materials: the next generation of active stent".

Le 10 novembre dernier lors de la Cérmonie des Serments, Arnaud Pallotta a reçu le prix de la Faculté de Pharmacie de Nancy pour sa thèse de doctorat d'Université intitulée "Films polymériques pour le développement de stents innovants", dirigée par Igor Clarot et Ariane Boudier.

La première publication matérialisant notre collaboration avec l'équipe de Claus Jacob (Université de la Saare, Sarrebruck, Allemagne) vient d'être accepté dans MedChemComm.

Flush with a flash: Natural three-component antimicrobial agent based on S-nitrosothiols, controlled superoxide formation and “domino” reactions leading to peroxynitrite production. MedChemCommun, in press.

Auteurs : R Alhasan, A Y Abdin, M J Nasim, C E.C.C. Ejike, J Bonetti, P Giummelli, P Leroy, C Gaucher, C Jacob.


Abstract : S-Nitrosothiols are ●NO releasing agents renowned for vasodilatory and antioxidant properties. O2●- promotes their decomposition, forming highly aggressive peroxynitrite ions (ONOO-). Since the production of O2●- can be controlled by enzymes or by visible light, such otherwise harmless components can be turned into effective antimicrobial and nematicidal combinations with numerous potential applications in Medicine.

Nous souhaitons la bienvenue à nos deux nouveaux doctorants :

- Jordan Beurton (encadré par A. Boudier et P. Lavalle (INSERM Strasbourg), "Optimisation physicochimique de films nanostructurés pour des applications cardio-vasculaires")

- Sarah El Hajj (encadrée par L. Cannabady-Rochelle (LRGP) et C. Gaucher, "Innovative screening methodology for metal chelating peptides with antioxidant properties using Surface Plasmon Resonance")

L'article "Higher-energy collision dissociation for the quantification by liquid chromatography-tandem ion trap mass spectrometry of nitric oxide metabolites coming from S-nitrosoglutathione in an in vitro model of intestinal barrier" vient de paraître dans le journal "Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry"

Auteurs : Haiyan Yu, Justine Bonetti, Caroline Gaucher, Isabelle Fries, Lionel Vernex-Loset, Pierre Leroy, Patrick Chaimbault

Référence de l'article : Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, doi: 10.1002/rcm.8287




The potency of S‐nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) as a nitric oxide (NO) donor to treat cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) has been highlighted in numerous studies. In order to study its bioavailability after oral administration, which represents the most convenient route for the chronic treatment of CVDs, it is essential to develop an analytical method permitting (i) the simultaneous measurement of GSNO metabolites, i.e. nitrite, S‐nitrosothiols (RSNOs) and nitrate and (ii) them to be distinguished from other sources (endogenous synthesis and diet).


Exogenous GSNO was labeled with 15N, and the GS15NO metabolites after conversion to nitrite ion were derivatized with 2,3‐diaminonaphthalene. The resulting 2,3‐naphthotriazole was quantified by liquid chromatography‐tandem ion trap mass spectrometry (LC/ITMS/MS) in multiple reaction monitoring mode after Higher‐energy Collision Dissociation (HCD). Finally, the validated method was applied to an in vitro model of intestinal barrier (monolayer of Caco‐2 cells) to study GS15NO intestinal permeability.


A LC/ITMS/MS method based on an original transition (m/z 171 to 156) for sodium 15N‐nitrite, GS15NO and sodium 15N‐nitrate measurements was validated, with recovery of 100.8 ± 3.8, 98.0 ± 2.7 and 104.1 ± 3.3 %, respectively. Intra‐ and inter‐day variabilities were below 13.4 and 12.6 %, and the limit of quantification reached 5 nM (signal over blank = 4). The permeability of labeled GS15NO (10‐100 μM) was evaluated by calculating its apparent permeability coefficient (Papp).


A quantitative LC‐ITMS/MS method using HCD was developed for the first time to selectively monitor GS15NO metabolites. The assay allowed evaluating GS15NO intestinal permeability and situated this drug candidate within the middle permeability class according to FDA guidelines. In addition, the present method has opened the perspective of a more fundamental work aiming at studying the fragmentation mechanism leading to the ion at m/z 156 in HCD tandem mass spectrometry in the presence of acetonitrile.

Igor Clarot a été officiellement nommé directeur adjoint de l'EA 3452 au 18 septembre.

L'article "Synthesis of novel mono and bis nitric oxide donors with high cytocompatibility and release activity" vient de paraître dans le journal "Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters"

Auteurs : Tanya Sahyoun, Caroline Gaucher, Yi Zhou, Naïm Ouaini, Raphaël Schneider and Axelle Arrault

Référence de l'article : Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, DOI: 110.1016/j.bmcl.2018.09.009



•A series of aromatic and aliphatic mono-amidoximes and bis-amidoximes were synthesized.

•Amodoximes were tested for their NO release ability on rat liver microsomes and human vascular cells.

•Amidoximes are cytocompatible with human vascular smooth muscle cells.

•Mono-amidoximes 2a and 2b exhibit high NO release.

•Bis-amidoxime 2d releases the same amount of NO than 2a and 2b at a twice lower concentration.


Abstract : 

Four compounds bearing amidoxime functions were synthetized: (1) 2a-b bearing an aromatic amidoxime function, (2) 2c bearing an aliphatic amidoxime function, and (3) 2d bearing aromatic and aliphatic amidoximes functions. The ability of these compounds to release NO was evaluated in vitro using the oxidative metabolism of cytochrome P450 from rat liver microsomes. Results obtained demonstrate that all amidoximes were able to release NO with a highest amount of NO produced by the 2a aromatic amidoxime. Moreover, all amidoximes exhibit cytocompatibility with human aorta smooth muscle cells. Using intracellular S-nitrosothiol formation as a marker of NO bioavailability, compounds 2a-c were demonstrated to deliver a higher amount of NO in the intracellular environment than the reference. Considering that the concentration of the bis-amidoxime 2d was two times lower that than of 2a and 2b, we can assume that 2d is the most potent molecule among the tested compounds for NO release.

L'article "Labeling nitrogen species with the stable isotope 15N for their measurement by separative methods coupled with mass spectrometry: A review" vient de paraître dans le journal "Talanta".

Auteurs : Haiyan Yu,  Patrick Chaimbault, Igor Clarot, Zilin Chen,  and  Pierre Leroy

Référence de l'article : Talanta, Volume 191 (2019), Pages 491-503, DOI 10.1016/j.talanta.2018.09.011

Abstract :

Nitrogen and its numerous hydrogenated and oxygenated derivatives are of main importance in our environment and in living cells as well in both qualitative and quantitative aspects. Their monitoring is needed to evaluate all disturbances occurring in the nitrogen cycle and in pathophysiological events related to variations of nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability. Many analytical methods are devoted to the measurement of nitrogen species, especially those related to NO, in the environmental, biological and pharmacological fields, and they have already been compiled and discussed in numerous reviews. Nitrogen isotope (15N) is stable and has a low level of natural abundance. Labeling nitrogen species with 15N associated with mass spectrometry (MS) gives rise to more mechanistic information and improved analytical performances compared to conventional methods. The present review is dedicated to the 15N labeling of related nitrogen species to monitor their interconversion and metabolism, the different chemical probes used for their derivatization and the corresponding separative methods coupled with MS for analyzing resulting adducts. The fragmentation mode of the different adducts and the resulting selectivity and sensitivity are discussed.